About Tami Briggs

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So far Tami Briggs has created 429 blog entries.

Difference Maker from Ulvalde, TX

On May 24, 2022, the world was shocked as 19 children and two teachers in Ulvalde, TX were the victims of gun [...]

Difference Maker from Ulvalde, TX2023-01-17T10:14:03-06:00

Easing into the Holidays

As we move closer to the holidays, we hope you are able to find moments of peace to actually enjoy the celebrations. [...]

Easing into the Holidays2022-12-13T10:47:37-06:00

It’s Time to Order!

This blog title is a friendly reminder to relieve your holiday gift-giving stress … and let you know we’re here to help: [...]

It’s Time to Order!2022-11-29T08:57:49-06:00

Holiday Shopping

Are you wanting some holiday gift ideas that are different than your usual gift card on Amazon? We love making the following [...]

Holiday Shopping2022-11-01T08:53:21-05:00


Do you know what santosha means? My yoga teacher always says this word when we are in the last, most relaxing pose. [...]


Copyright-Free Music

I was recently in a meeting where someone said, “There’s all kinds of copyright-free music available.” While this is true, I would [...]

Copyright-Free Music2022-10-04T15:08:13-05:00
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