An Excellent Read by David Brooks
My Rotary International club is starting a new book club. Our first book to read is by David Brooks. The title is [...]
My Rotary International club is starting a new book club. Our first book to read is by David Brooks. The title is [...]
Did you see the Oscars and the winner for best actor? That was Cillian Murphy in Oppenheimer. And did you listen to [...]
Look at this children’s toy! Isn’t it so cute?! At Christmas time, I was looking for something different and special for my [...]
Last June, I learned of a peace movement initiative called Peace on Earth by 2030. It is spearheaded by David Gershon of [...]
We recently learned of an organization called Musical Ambassadors of Peace. They are musicians playing in troubled areas of the world. And [...]
My pedal harp has 48 strings … that’s a lot of strings! Until recently, I only tuned and played 34 of them [...]
In mid-October, I received an e-mail from a harpist in Belgium that was a special global meditation with harps. Approximately 20 harpists [...]
Do you have an intention that you’d like to share? I recently put a beautiful blue crystal bowl at the base of [...]
Have you heard of the Lyra constellation? A friend recently told me about it and I was particularly interested because of the [...]
At Musical Reflections, it is a favorite time of year as we begin anew … Happy New Year! Our sincere hope for [...]