Sounds of HealingThe new “Sounds of Healing for Wellness Professionals” on-line course is now available for $58. A brief description is healing music can play a unique role, augmenting one’s self-care methods and contributing richness to one’s personal healing journey. This experiential course will explore how music nurtures you, the healer/wellness professional, and those you serve. Tami Briggs, therapeutic harpist, weaves together practical tips, powerful stories and plays musical examples, demonstrating music’s role in wellness—for yourself and those you serve.

The course objectives include:

  • Explore musical applications that support your wellness practice, and optimize you and your clients’ well-being.
  • Discuss the benefits of incorporating sound healing in your wellness practice.
  • Experience a musical journey where you can reflect, relax, and renew, with specific applications to the healer’s personal journey and self-care.

Go to this link to learn more:

Two continuing education units (CEUs) are available for many healers, so you get the benefits of learning + obtaining your needed credits.

Feel free to reach out if you have questions or need additional information. I look forward to connecting!
