BucketThe second keynote speaker at the recent Mayo Clinic’s holistic wellness conference was Henry Emmons, MD. He gave a wonderful, thought-provoking presentation on “Restoring Resilience.”

He began his discussion by inviting us to reflect on our “container” and attending to it (hence the bucket to the left!!). What is draining it? What is filling it up? As well as suggesting, “We may need to bring in other things, blending science and heart wisdom to sustain us, bringing us into balance and improving our resilience.”

On the next day of this conference, I was keynoting about self-care. I was struck by how these thoughts that Dr. Emmons was suggesting about resilience also relate to how well we take care of ourselves. In other words, “filling our buckets” is important to nurture our body/mind/spirit (eg. self-care) and impacts how resilient we are in many different situations.
