Last June, I learned of a peace movement initiative called Peace on Earth by 2030. It is spearheaded by David Gershon of the Empowerment Institute. To activate this initiative, you play a 10-week “Game.” (I finished the first time in early October 2023 and played the game again, finishing in mid-March.) It is a profound peace intensive! Finishing the Game the first time, the “download” that came in was start an on-line Zoom community for those playing the PeaceHarp and who are interested in becoming “anchors of peace” for the Peace on Earth by 2030 initiative.

This “anchors of peace” community meets one time per month (second Tuesday of every month at 1-2 p.m. CT) to exchange ideas and thoughts about playing our PeaceHarps energetically for peace. I envision this as an important mission as we help transform the world vibrationally using our harps for peace.

Interested in learning more and/or joining us? Let’s connect!
