
Do you wish you were more creative? Do you feel “stuck” and want to unblock your creativity?

“Expansion of Your Creative Gifts” carves out time and space to focus on your creativity. Using the power and potency of Young Living essential oils, you will come into the present moment and get grounded, relax and balance, release and let go of blockages, and boost your courage to take action and manifest your dreams. The guided session includes learning about each of the six Young Living oils, and how they relate to and help in the creative journey. You will also receive a blessing after each step to activate and amplify your creativity.

Possible Outcomes/Benefits:

  • Focus on your personal creativity.
  • Define blocks, limiting beliefs and “growing edges.” As you release these, you open to your fullest creative spirit.
  • Gain confidence and courage to bring your creative gifts into the world.
  • Build momentum by boosting your courage, confidence and tenacity.
  • Connect to your creative vision so you have a “roadmap” for your future.
  • Leave the session inspired to take initiative and action to manifest your dreams.

Program and Pricing Details:

This one-hour ritual is offered in person (Minneapolis/St. Paul area) or via Zoom:

  • In-person session – $111.00, includes the facilitation/blessing and all essential oils. You have the option to purchase a creativity oil kit at a discount following the session to continue to boost your on-going creative journey.
  • Virtual session – $111.00, includes the facilitation/blessing and all essential oils (sent to you in small bottles before the session). You have the option to purchase a creativity oil kit at a discount following the session to continue to boost your on-going creative journey.

We will select a mutually agreed date/time for your session. For payment, click here.


Tami is a therapeutic harpist. She utilizes her creative gifts in a number of healing ways, such as composing music, playing for hospital/hospice patients, writing books and teaching harp therapy lessons. She is also a Young Living distributor (#16437145) and brings “Expansion of Your Creative Gifts” to you with joy and heart-felt intentions that it helps you!
