
Musical Reflections News

Latest News from Musical Reflections

Interested in staying current with Musical Reflections’  news and happenings? We share all of our events and projects regularly … come back often to learn more. As we say in the harp world … stay tuned!

Harp Strings

July 2nd, 2024|

My pedal harp arrived at my door in Minneapolis, MN from Loveland, [...]

Anchors of Peace

Last June, I learned of a peace movement initiative called Peace on Earth by 2030. It is spearheaded by David [...]

Musical Ambassadors of Peace

We recently learned of an organization called Musical Ambassadors of Peace. They are musicians playing in troubled areas of the [...]

My Pedal Harp Strings

My pedal harp has 48 strings … that’s a lot of strings!  Until recently, I only tuned and played 34 [...]

Blue Crystal Bowl

Do you have an intention that you’d like to share? I recently put a beautiful blue crystal bowl at the [...]

Lyra Constellation

Have you heard of the Lyra constellation? A friend recently told me about it and I was particularly interested because [...]

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